Friday, August 14, 2009


If you guys haven't noticed, I've redone my blog page to be all pretty and green like. I've also added some things, such as a Follower's sidebar. Anyone who reads my blog should ABSOLUTELY become one of my followers!!! Just click the little "Follow" button and it'll redirect you. Please everyone? I feel unloved!

Also, if anyone wants me to post pictures of a beach trip I went on last week (or this week, I don't remember) involving Rae, Blonde Chick, and Mariana, post a comment saying so! We're wearing cute bathing suits? Anyone?
If you DON'T want me to post pictures of said beach trip, leave a comment saying so!

Haha, yay bribes.

(You should also take the time out of your schedule to leave a comment saying Happy Birthday to Blonde Chick in the post deticated to her party. It only takes about five seconds to do people! Please?)


  1. aw, Christa, you're cute :)
    I wanna see some beach pictures!

  2. Bah. I am not cute. Follow my page first and I'll consider posting the beach pics. :P

  3. I think I want at least 5 followers before I post those pictures...
