Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"You've just been out-physic'd!"

This is a funny conversation between me and two of my friends (at different times, of course). I don't know if you'll find it funny, but I sure did.

Ainulin says: "Assume a scale is in an elevator on Earth." Oh yes, because scales are in elevators everyday. And on the Moon. <.<
Jason says: XD
Jason says: those problems were confuzing
Ainulin says: Heh
Ainulin says: Didn't you know? The aliens constructed little elevator shafts on the moon. That's what those craters are! Pfft, water pockets. *scorn*
Jason says: Christa....
Jason says: ....that...doesn't explain the scales.
Ainulin says: The aliens figured that while a foreign being was visiting the Moon, they'd want to know how much they weighed compared to their own planets. That way, if they weighed less, they'd buy condos and boost the Moon's property value.
Jason says: XD
Jason says: +1
Ainulin says: xD Oh geeze, I really am insane.
Jason says: You are, but we love you <3
Ainulin says: We? o.O
Ainulin says: Who else you got over there?
Jason says: Me and the people in the white coats.
Jason : "they're coming to take you away, haha"
Ainulin says: "They're coming to take me away-
Ainulin says: Damn you.

GtrGeek29 (8:52:15 PM): Overall I think this whole "physics" thing of which you speak is a fail.
GtrGeek29 (8:52:22 PM): Its failcup is full.
Ainulin (8:52:38 PM): Pfft.
Ainulin (8:52:45 PM): We wouldn't exist without physics.
GtrGeek29 (8:52:52 PM): Or would we?
Ainulin (8:53:00 PM): We wouldn't
GtrGeek29 (8:53:30 PM): The things that say we wouldn't exist would not exist if we didn't exist, THEREFORE there would be nothing to say that we wouldn't exist, thus proving that we WOULD exist.
Ainulin (8:53:48 PM): No.
GtrGeek29 (8:54:05 PM):
i put a lot of thought into that...
Ainulin (8:54:08 PM): If it didn't exist because we didn't exist, than they WOULD exist if we did.
GtrGeek29 (8:54:26 PM): Well...
GtrGeek29 (8:54:28 PM): But...
GtrGeek29 (8:54:31 PM): and then...
Ainulin (8:54:32 PM): Pwned. ^^
GtrGeek29 (8:54:44 PM): But the thing!! You totally forgot about the thing!!
Ainulin (8:54:50 PM): What thing?
GtrGeek29 (8:54:53 PM): the uhm...
GtrGeek29 (8:54:54 PM): uh..
Ainulin (8:54:57 PM): :P
GtrGeek29 (8:54:58 PM): Look! A duck!
GtrGeek29 signed off at 8:55:00 PM.

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