Wednesday, July 15, 2009

To Do List

So this is my 'to do' list for the rest of the summer, since it seems as if I've gotten nothing done. I can take pictures of the artsy things I complete if people want to see.

1. Finish reading The White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey (her books are recommended for fantasy lovers!)

2. Write SOMETHING. (Anything you lazy bones!)

3. Obtain a job.

4. Make a video for the Final Fantasy Returners Marathon. ( for those interested in looking it up before I make said video.)

5.Fix LOTR bag so things don't fall out of the bottom. (See past post for pictures.)

6. Make a new bracelet. (My bracelets are made of embroidery string.)

7. Finish coloring my poster. (It's like one of those fuzzy posters, but without the fuzz.)

That's all I've got so far. I'm going to go run my finger under cold water; it's throbbing because I burnt it on the oven earlier. >.<

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