^ Most adorable thing, ever. I love when guys do that. :) It makes them like...2x as attractive as you previously though they were (hint, hint, men out there), unless you don't really like/know them at all and they're kind of creepy. Then it's just kind of creepy. (hint, hint, stalker men out there)
Anyways! It's weird to see that my last post is about halloween :P That feels like it was father away than it actually was.
So, recently I went to my uncle-on-my-dad's-side's house (woo!) for my aunt's fifty somethingth birthday, and it was really fun :) I have some pictures of it if anyone wants to see, just comment on this post and I'll throw em up if anyone's interested.
That same day, my great aunt on my mum's side died. It was a really weird death, because it's almost as if she expected it to happen. She had recently recieved open heart surgery, and due to a complication of her gall bladder exploding, she died. Today was the funeral, which was nice (but I hate funerals) and I pretty much met my mum's side of the family while I was there. I didn't realize her side of the family was sooo large. I've never seen any of them before besides my grandma and other sister! Crazy business. Anyway, while at the after funeral thing where you eat food, my mum's... cousin (?) said he went into my great aunt's house and found a shop rite bag full of christmas cards that she didn't mail out. So I got a Christmas present from her, even though she's not around to give it to me. That's really... odd. But nice all the same. She dated the card, which is weird, because she's never done that before. She also REFUSED to wait until after christmas to have the surgery. It's almost as if she knew she had to go... crazy stuffs.
Anyways, enough of this morbid talk. I hope everyone has a good holiday, whatever you may celebrate, and I'll post again soon hopefully. :)
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